Personal Management & Human Resource Management & Role of Managers in each Scope


Personnel management and human resource management are frequently confused. On some occasions, both terms are interchangeable while the same are looked at as two completely different concepts on different occasions. Before concluding, it would be better to identify the scopes of personal management and human resources management while overviewing the roles of personal managers & human resources managers to differentiate personal management and human resources management.


What is Personal Management

Figure 1: Functions of Personal Management (Analysis Project, n.d.)

Personnel management is an arm of management that deals with the recruiting, hiring, staffing, development, and compensation of employees, as well as their interactions with the business in order to fulfill organizational goals. Personnel management's key functions are grouped into two categories (Sampras, 2019).

1. Operative Functions: These include procurement, development, remuneration, job evaluation, employee welfare, utilization, maintenance, and collective bargaining (Sampras, 2019).

2. Managerial Function: The core managerial functions done by Personnel Management include planning, organizing, directing, motivation, control, and coordination (Sampras, 2019).

Since the previous two decades, as technology has advanced and humans have been supplanted by machines. Similarly, Human Resource Management has supplanted this discipline of management (Sampras, 2019).

Work scope of a personal manager

The personnel manager is in charge of the personnel department. He or she is responsible for both managerial and operational management functions. When considering the role of a personal manager, their main roles can be mainly identified as controlling, advising, counseling, intermediating, representing, human relation. Following are the major roles of a personal manager;


1. Assisting the organization's top management - The top management takes the decisions on the company's major policies. The personnel manager can successfully frame all types of personnel or workforce policies as a person who has better exposure on that.(Kammar, n.d.).


2. Working as an intermediator – Personal manager represents his team and reports to the management as well as to the line managers. This role allows him to raise team concerns to the management while management can pass the decisions via the persona manager.(Kammar, n.d.).


3. Resolving team issues – Personal manager is responsible for resolving staff matters and grievances while guiding them.(Kammar, n.d.).


4. Representing the organization - The personnel manager serves as an organization's representative, providing employees with an overall picture of the organization's operations, notably in cases of labor disputes or grievance redressal.(Kammar, n.d.).


What is Human Resources Management


Figure 2: HRM Functions (Sampras, 2019) 


HRM is well organizes and specialized function of the management which comprises acquisition, maintenance, development, utilization and coordination of employees. Also, HRM is a continuous process in order to buildup and stabilize a sustainable organization and engaged with wide range of employee related activities such as employment, recruitment & selection, training & development, employee services, salary & wages, industrial relations, health & safety, education, working condition, performance appraisal. (Surbhi, 2022)

Work Scope of a Human Resources Manager

Work Scope of a Human Resources Manager

As discussed above, HRM is a broader subject where HR managers have wide range of responsibilities.

1. Human Resources Planning – Planning in order to achieve organizational goals is one of most important role of HR managers where they need to recognize, examine, prepare business plans to increase performance of the organization. HR planning is a vast scope and it contains many strategical points.(Ali, n.d.) 

2. Recruitment – Hiring employees is a complex process of modern HRM. HR managers come up with best ways to recruit the most suitable persons to the organization’s positions to perform.(Ali, n.d.) 

3. Training & Development/Motivation – This is a mandatory process for improving knowledge, talents, skills and attitudes of employees and HR managers usually engaged in designing of training and development sessions for employees considering their requirements and organizational goals.

4. Designing HR Policies – In order to reduce workplace conflicts, legal issues, to improve productivity and efficiency, to have a legal framework in different sections of the organization, to stream line the processes and procedures, HR managers are preparing certain policies and code of ethics for the betterment of the organization as well as employees.(Ali, n.d.) 

5. Monitoring Performance – Performance appraising of employees fall under this role.

6. Developing organizational culture – HR managers involves in developing a better culture and better working environment for the employees as this affects the organization in the long run.

7. Engage in increasing employees’ safety.

8. Providing Compensation & Benefits to the employees.


Personal management has been expanded into HRM. Employee's needs evolved significantly along with technical and corporate evolution. The conventional method is not much effective in solving prevailing complex situations related human resources.

 To efficiently manage people, HRM has developed a number of novel working processes. It aspires to develop a social workplace where workers can collaborate while maintaining a personal connection. HRM also attends to each employee's unique demands by developing their potential and providing necessary opportunities for advancement. All in all, it contributes to achieve business objectives within the allotted spending limit, time frame, and resources.




Analysis Project, (n.d.) Personal Management is clearly a management function. [Online]
Available from: [Accessed 21 July 2023].

Kammar, S. (n.d.) Top 10 Roles of a Personal Manager. [Online]
Available from:  
[Accessed 21 July 2023].

Ali, H.( n.d.) 14 Role & Responsibilities of HR Managers. [Online]
Available from: 
[Accessed 21 July 2023].

Sampras, A.( 2019). Difference Between Personal Management and Human Resources Management. [Online] Available from:  [Accessed 21 July 2023].

Surbhi, S.(2022). Difference Between Personal Management and Human Resources Management.[Online] Available from:,be%20valued%2C%20used%20and%20preserved.[Accessed 21 July 2023].





  1. Personal management and human resource management are very detailed in the article. After reading this article, I also realized that this should be separated into two actions. A very good and informative article. thank you.

  2. Personnel Management treats workers as tools or machines whereas Human Resource Management treats it as an important asset of the organization. Human Resource ...

    I appreciate you sharing your knowledge because it's crucial for businesses.

  3. Your post clearly shows how personnel management has evolved into Human Resource Management (HRM) and how HRM is the way to.

  4. While the traditional personnel management strategy had shortcomings, the change to HRM has failed to properly handle the challenges of today's work environment if you are agreeing with lets reply

  5. This article explains the importance of HRM to an organization. A good article

  6. The work scope of an HR Manager involves managing various aspects of the employee lifecycle, promoting positive employee relations, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and contributing to the strategic direction of the organization's human capital management.

  7. As per the this post we can define some facts Personnel management is responsible for performing employee benefits activities such as training and development of employees. On the other hand, HRM is responsible for all aspects of employee management, such as recruitment, selection, administration, compensation and benefits, employee relations and others.

  8. Addressing the challenges that HR Managers face in the current dynamic business environment, such as managing remote teams, adapting to changing workforce demographics, and handling issues related to mental health and work-life balance, would make the analysis more current.

  9. In order to manage people effectively, HRM has created a number of cutting-edge working procedures. It aims to create a social workplace where staff members can cooperate while yet keeping a sense of community. By maximizing each employee's potential and supplying the required possibilities for progress, HRM also caters to their individual needs. Overall, it helps to accomplish corporate goals within the budget, timeframe, and resources provided.

  10. This is typically represents a move from more administrative and transactional approach to strategic and holistic approach which focus on employee development rather than controlling them.

  11. this article provided a clear and concise overview of the differences between personal management and human resource management. Understanding how these two concepts intersect and influence organizational success is crucial, and your explanations made it easy to understand.


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